On 11th April 2022, Unilever embarked on a campaign that we are proud we were part of under #GetMoreFromYourHusband, #WomensConference and #TheSecretisRoyco. The main product, Royco was unveiled live on NBS TV live and our digital team worked harder than the devil to ensure the campaign gets the visiblility online.

We were able to get candid discussions about how a family home should function besides the product, Royco which was very good. There was a consensus in the conclusion of a heated debate that a husband should be responsible enough to provide for the family, however, wives should be able to assist where the man has failed. 

Karitas Karisimbi, Doreen Nassasira, Annette Nandujja, Rebecca Jjingo, and Abbey Mukiibi were the speakers at the event. Kameeza is still necessary to buy household items such as Royco according to them, Do you agree?

We are grateful to Unilever for choosing to work with us. We are waiting to serve you too.

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